Experience, Commitment and Customer Relationship on a par with the Customer

Our Team

When we’re not working from our home office, we’re sitting in a nice, bright office with a small garden, where we have lunch when the weather is good, or sometimes even a barbecue.

“We” are a colorful bunch of all ages and genders, from different countries of origin, with a wide variety of backgrounds and interests. Most of the employees have families, which is why it is completely normal for fathers to take parental leave or to have weekly hours temporarily reduced in the event of family bottlenecks …

We work in a safe job, because with our modular software products we are a pioneer for Industry 4.0. With Cosmino software, our customers from the manufacturing industry not only achieve added value such as increases in quality or output, but are also optimally positioned to meet future requirements and to survive in the face of increasing competitive pressure.

We work on challenging projects in which the employees take on personal responsibility in small teams and actively participate in shaping the project: be it in an advisory capacity for the specification of requirements, the development of solutions or the implementation. In doing so, everyone bears responsibility according to their respective strengths, while we have the opportunity to continuously develop our potential through training courses and workshops.

Experience is at least as important. Many of our colleagues have been with the company for a good 10 years, some even since shortly after its foundation.

We are on a first-name basis, even with some of our long-standing customers, with whom we generally maintain an eye-to-eye relationship characterized by mutual trust.

Regular team events, such as the annual summer party with the families, Christmas parties, football tournaments, visits to the Nuremberg Old Town Festival and the famous Nuremberg Christmas Market, the JobRad offer, as well as a “vehicle fleet” with a campervan, a sailing boat and a Lotus sports car, all of which can be used by the employees, round off working at COSMINO AG.

“I really enjoy working independently at COSMINO because I get to contribute my skills, I develop myself in the process and I can therefore stand behind the result 100%.”

Matthias, Product Manager, with COSMINO since 2012


“At COSMINO, I like the personal togetherness and the team spirit. If anything is unclear, there is always somebody willing to help, and technically difficult issues are explained in a practical manner.”

Susanne, Sales & Events, with COSMINO since 2015


“As I decided to start a part-time second degree program, I was able to reduce my working hours by one day without any problems.“

Michael, Developer, with COSMINO since 2018


„When I started at COSMINO during Corona, as a mother of a primary school child, I was initially only able to work in the mornings. Currently, I am gradually increasing my working hours. Something like that is not so easily possible at all companies.”

Xenia, Customer Service, with COSMINO since 2020


“The customer relationships based on partnership, often even friendship, and an environment in which fun is not neglected keep motivating me even after 25 years.”

Bernd, Software Developer, with COSMINO since 1994

Interested in being part of our team?

Interested in being part of our team?


Photos of colleagues who were on the road in our camper van

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