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Cosmino ManufacturingManager manages the factory even when the connection to the database fails

With the module Cosmino ManufacturingManager for Cosmino MES Plus, the time of Manufacturing Execution Systems primarily only recording data is finally over. Since the software manages, based on operating and process data, the material flow of the work-in-process (WIP) items (items, components, assemblies, materials...). The decision of what is to be done at the workplace with a WIP item and which processing operation is required next is made in a few milliseconds based on these data and the workflow rules.
    • For this reason,
      •  the data of a WIP item recorded so far
      •  the status (processing and quality so far) of the WIP item
      •  as well as further required processing and the planned route through production
must always be available for Cosmino ManufacturingManager, even if the connection to the MES server is interrupted. All the recording and visualisation dialogues of Cosmino ManufacturingManager therefore have an offline module to be able to work even without a connection to the central MES server. The data and product-related workflow specifications and instructions recorded at a production workplace are stored on the server as well as locally directly at the workplace. The digital twin of a workplace starts also independently from a network connection and makes use of its own memory. In this way, the station is guaranteed to continue working for a longer period of time in case of faults. Illustration of the local workplace with the digital twin as autonomous component between the MES server and machine controls.
For Cosmino ManufacturingManager dialogues (assembly assistance, step by step instructions, worker self-inspection, end control reworking dialogues...), the offline mode is already in productive use by clients. An implementation in the form of an emergency mode should also take place for Cosmino WorkerPoint (recording dialogue for PDA, OEE, SPC). If you are interested in recording dialogues and worker assistance dialogues which can be operated offline, do not hesitate to get in touch; we would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
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