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Cosmino ManufacturingManager supplies machines and tools with adjustment parameters

In the Digital Factory, data will not only be collected but also distributed intelligently and automatically.

An example of this is the supply of tools and machines with the correct adjustment parameters. Unfortunately, this is still often done manually, and is therefore an endeavour which is time-consuming and prone to failure. Even USB sticks which hold the adjustment parameters are prone to damage and loss.

Cosmino ManufacturingManager provides a better solution for the intelligent supply of machines, tools and other systems with data, e.g. adjustment parameters.

It receives data from controllers and can transfer them back. In this way, default parameters for machines and tools can be transmitted to a PLC or an Automated Guided Vehicle can be commissioned for goods movements.

In contrast with pure data recording, in which external sensors are often used, each required control is connected in the bidirectional communication. The connection can take place natively per PLC type. However, if various PLC types are used in the production halls, the communication between the controls and MES should preferably take place via OPC UA. This keeps the number of different interfaces low.

Because OPC Unified Architecture is an industrial M2M communication protocol which is supported by almost all modern controls. Through this interface, data sets are transported on the one hand, and described also in a machine-readable and semantic manner on the other. It is irrelevant whether the OPC UA server runs as a separate component or in a system in an integrated manner .

In plastic injection moulding machines, Euromap interfaces provide a comparable standard with which communication between MES and different PLC types can take place in both directions.

The added values for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication speak in its favour: Since production procedures can supply data and start automatically, manual effort and faults are eliminated when transmitting default parameters.

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