By Matthias Kohlbrand In
Cosmino WorkerPoint‘s Multiple Machine Operation now has a new that finds its way into your factory for free via your next update!
Via the Multiple Machine Operation, an operator can monitor up to 24 work centers in a single online interface - regardless of whether he is dealing with 24 interlinked stations in a single line or 24 individual machines.
One of the major benefits of the Cosmino WorkerPoint is getting fast but objective appraisals of process losses that occur at the machines – based on pre-defined loss catalogs. This is crucial in order to understand why the productivity of a machine was impaired and what underlying cause actually triggered the process loss.
When several machines in a line of a multi-machine operation are affected by the same malfunction, the cause of the loss no longer needs to be assigned individually to each machine. Now, the identified cause can easily be transferred to a number of other selected machines.
For example, such a scenario may occur when various machines are affected by the same cycle slowdown or when the break of an operator or a TPM measure affects all machines in the respective line. Especially with interlinked machines it is not unusual that a breakdown of the process reflects 1:1 on all machines of that line.
This is how it works:
When a malfunction occurs in a multi-machine operation, the worker chooses the real cause of the loss from the digitally stored loss type catalog. (Fig. 1) If the operator - as in this example – is responsible for 5 stations of a chained line, previously the loss cause had to be selected individually for each machine.
In the new version of the WorkerPoint, an identified process loss can be easily be transferred to a number of other machines by selecting them on the touchscreen (Fig. 2: blue mark).
The data entry work in a multi-machine operation is thus reduced considerably.
Good to know: Whenever a malfunction occurs, the exact time has been prerecorded via the interface to the machine. Therefore, the recording of the cause by the operator may be slightly delayed without compromising data quality.
If you really want to be able to identify the appropriate actions to reduce system losses be sure to record all malfunctions with their corresponding underlying causes. Only then, your team will have the basis for taking those crucial decisions.
Talk to us today about this new feature and also learn about the other news that you can get with the next update.