Cosmino Panteo is individual and yet faster, cheaper and more stable than a MES monolith

At Cosmino Panteo your MES, MDA and PDA software solution is put together specifically for your requirements but is implemented more quickly, cost effictively and and is more stable in the long term than the classic MES monolith. Why?

Standard software usually does not fulfill all requirements

Your digitalization requirements are not based on the functional scope of standard software. Today, it is assumed that in MES and PDA projects, around 20% of the used functions are developed individually only for a customer. This is because the processes and requirements of companies are too different to be prepared and parameterized in a standard software package. As MES and, in some cases, PDA work very closely on the process, it is not possible to dispense with most of the software adaptations – in contrast to ERP.

The true extent of the required adaptation development usually only becomes apparent long after the initial installation, precisely when the functions selected in the catalog are used productively and then do not meet the requirements

Cosmino Panteo therefore has no catalog functions, but rather prepared software modules and widgets that can be put together individually for different tasks. Thanks to the system architecture, customer-specific adaptations of software modules and widgets are easier and faster than with the classic software monolith. Customer-specific system components as well as third-party software can be integrated into the system architecture without touching or influencing other modules.

Less Complexity – lower follow-up-costs
Maintain competitive advantages

The variety of functions that can be changed by setting parameters can overwhelm system users. .

In addition, the expenses for software adaptations increase the more additional functionality correlates with the change. In other words, the more extensive and configurable a software is, the more effort has to be taken into account for every user configuration, every training session and every integration test, e.g. for updates and further developments.

Unnecessary complexity also jeopardizes the acceptance of the PDA, MDA or MES throughout the company.

That is why one of the aims of introducing Cosmino Panteo is to reduce the number of functions and configuration options to a necessary and, above all, manageable level.

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