
Legal Disclosure

Information provided in accordance with § 5 of the Telemediengesetz

(German Telecommunications Act), hereafter TMG:


Breitengraserstr. 8

90482 Nürnberg, Germany

Board of Directors:

  • Katarina Kunert: CEO and Chairperson
  • Stefan Misselwitz: CTO

Supervisory Board:

  • Frank Egersdörfer: Chairperson
  • Rosemarie Egersdörfer
  • Antje Schildt

Primary Headquarters:


Registered with:

Nuremberg Commercial Register HRB 16688 (Commercial Registry ID)

Tax ID:

Finanzamt Nürnberg Zentral (Central Nuremberg Tax Authority) Tax ID. 241 120 10099

Value Added Tax ID:

VAT identification number in accordance with §26 of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (German Value Added Tax Act): DE133508803


Liability for the Contents

The contents of our web pages have been written with the greatest possible care. However, we cannot accept any liability for the correctness, completeness and up-to-date-ness of the contents. As a service provider, we are responsible for the content on these pages that we have created pursuant to common laws in accordance with §7 Paragraph 1 of the TMG. Pursuant to §§8 through 10 of the TMG, we are however not obligated to monitor transferred or stored information from third parties or to review circumstances that might indicate illegal activity. Obligations for the removal or obstruction of access to information in accordance with common law remain unaffected thereby. Any liability in this regard would only first become possible from the point in time of notification of a concrete legal infringement. We will immediately remove such content upon notification of associated legal infringements.

Liability for Links

Our offerings contain links to external, third party web sites, whose content we cannot control. For this reason, we cannot make any guarantees about this third-party content. The provider or operator of those web pages is always responsible for the contents of the pages referred to by links. The linked pages have been examined for possible legal infringements at the point in time that the link was created. Illegal contents could not be detected at the point in time of the link was created. Permanent supervision of the contents of the pages referred to is not however reasonable without concrete evidence of legal infringement. We will immediately remove such links upon notification of any such legal infringements.


The content and works on these pages created by the operator of the web site are subject to German copyright law. The reproduction, modification, distribution and any form of utilization outside of the limits of copyright law requires the written permission of the respective author and/or creator. Downloading and copying these pages is approved for private, non-commercial usage only. Insofar as the contents of these pages have not been created by the operator, copyrights held by third parties have been observed. In particular, contents belonging to third parties are identified as such. If you become aware of an infringement of copyright, we ask you to notify us correspondingly. We will immediately remove such content upon notification of any such legal infringements.

Data Protection

As a rule, the usage of our web site is possible without the provision of private information. Insofar as private information (such as name, address or email addresses) is collected by our pages, such is always done on a voluntary basis, insofar as possible. This information will not be forwarded to third parties without your express permission.   We would like to point out that the transmission of data on the Internet (such as communication via email) might identify gaps in security. Data protection without any gaps against access by third parties is not possible.   The usage of the contact information published as part of the obligation of legal notification by third parties for the transmission of advertisements and informational materials not expressly requested is expressly forbidden hereby. The operators of the pages expressly retain the right to take legal steps in cases of transmission of advertising information not request, such as spam.

Source: Disclaimer from eRecht24, the portal regarding Internet law of Sören Siebert Attorney at Law.

Copyright of the Pictures:

Home: zapp2photo / Adobe Stock, industrieblick / Adobe Stock, Dmitry Kalinovsky / shutterstock, vovan / shutterstock, Bloomicon / shutterstock, Nonwarit / Adobe Stock, Alexander Limbach / Adobe Stock

Cosmino Panteo: Adobe Stock / Pressmaster Industry,  Adobe Stock / Nokhoog,  shutterstock / cherezoff 196137074,  Adobe Stock / fotogestoeber

Projects and Experience: Adobe Stock / panuwat, Adobe Stock / metamorworks 297238539, RF Cosmino, Adobe Stock / xiaoliangge

Cosmino MES Plus: Adobe Stock /auremar, Adobe Stock / Pressmaster 36754879, Adobe Stock / lucadp, Adobe Stock Gorodenkoff, Adobe Stock / Sergey Nivens, shutterstock /, Adobe Stock /guukaa, Adobe Stock / Karin & Uwe Annas,  Adobe Stock / Industrial-Arts 307501239, Adobe Stock / msl33 46960131, Adobe Stock / industrieblick 96991117, Adobe Stock / beermedia, Adobe Stock /pattilabelle, Adobe Stock / TTstudio, Adobe Stock / Nokhoog, Adobe Stock / beermedia, Adobe Stock / Nokhoog

Infos: Bloomicon / shutterstock / Adobe Stock, panuwat / Adobe Stock, Alexander Limbach / Shutterstock, Monkey Business Images

Company: Nonwarit / Adobe Stock, Alexander Limbach / Adobe Stock, Hönninger, E. Dipl.- Ing. GmbH & Co.

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