By Matthias Kohlbrand In

From May 20 to 21, the 15th Production Systems took place in Stuttgart. COSMINO AG was once again participating with a booth at this trade exhibit. The numerous interested visitors agreed with the COSMINO software consultants: CIP continuous to require the active participation of employees!
The ability to immediately access meaningful reports across all levels of the organization is the core of the Cosmino software. From the management to operators on the factory shop floor – everyone is enabled to view tailor-fit and relevant information and calls to action are triggered when needed. Whether it is escalations and abnormal behavior or improvement potential and results of measures that were taken, any such relevant and meaningful information is shared across involved stakeholders.
Precise knowledge of process stability in production is the nuts and bolts of a functioning improvement initiative. But ideas and successes are not simply created by storing massive amounts of data from machines. They require the active involvement of employees in the improvement program. To enable operators on the shop floor to be more tightly involved in the continuous improvement, COSMINO introduced a digital online dialog that feeds all important information to the operator as well as allowing a fast and streamlined supply of findings for any abnormalities in the process.
The Cosmino software makes it easier for employees to enter errors and product defects quickly and objectively. The fully integrated and easy-to-use improvement management system encourage the operators to identify and start new improvement measures directly from within automatically generated reports.
Two things were stated repeatedly at the COSMINO booth:
- The true cause of a process failures cannot be automatically determined.
- Any goal-oriented assessment must demand targets and improvement measures.
COSMINO AG has achieved an important contribution towards improving processes and products by providing software solutions that are used and appreciated daily by our clients’ operators on the factory shop floor. As the level of industrial automation continues to increase rapidly, the knowledge and motivation of each individual worker becomes even more crucial for the success of manufacturing companies across the globe.