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Acquisition of Input Material for Production Orders

The Cosmino production data acquisition system reliably records quantities and machine statuses for all machine and order runtimes. In addition to the enhance option to record the activities of employees during runtime, input materials and their consumption can also be documented.

One example of a use case is the exact quantities of raw materials and auxiliary materials that flow into the produced articles and whose stock changes can be recorded for each assembly process and corrected via the automatic confirmation to an inventory management system (ERP).

A further application is the increasingly required traceability of the material batches used, which must be recorded for the order, the article batch or an end product serial number.

Needless to say, both advantages can also be combined if the quantity and type of a material is recorded with Cosmino PDA as well as the batch.

Fig.: Example for the entry of product number and batch of the pre-product as well as the screws used. When the order is logged off, the operator still has to record the quantity consumed.
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