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Evaluations as an important part of Production Data Acquisition

COSMINO AG is turning 35 years old. We would like to take this as an opportunity to share with you some of the experience we have gained in dealing with production data. We have already explained why machine data is not transferred directly to ERP and analysis tools, but is instead made available via acquisition systems such as PDA and what numerous other possibilities there are for recording data via the acquisition interfaces in the standard alone.This article shows which meaningful evaluations are possible through the acquired operational data and why working with these reports is already important during the introduction of the PDA.

It is up to each user to define exactly which evaluations are required prior to the project, or to make use of a selection of over 100 prepared best practice evaluations that we have developed over the last 35 years. The important thing is that the evaluations are comprehensible and lead the user - for example to further details or related topics.

For example, a view of the plant's downtimes can lead to the proportions per product and per machine for each individual reason for downtime by pressing a button. In addition, evaluations of setup times, tool changes and employee productivity can be provided - in other words, all the data that is recorded with Cosmino BDE.

During production data acquisition, evaluations of the key figure OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness), downtimes, power losses and various types of quantities are typically generated.

We always recommend our customers to work intensively with these evaluations already during the rollout. This is because these analyses present valuable potential for improvement, which can be further specified and evaluated with just a few clicks. Experience has shown that OEE improvements of more than ten percent are not uncommon, even in the pilot period, when working with the evaluations of Cosmino production data acquisition. And especially at the beginning of the KPI-based improvement process, there is a lot of potential that can be exploited cost-effectively.

The savings achieved in this way obviously already contribute to the amortization of the production data acquisition tool and justify further investments in the software. Such successes also increase the acceptance of the entire digitization process among employees and thus facilitate the rollout.
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