Graphical overview of all machine states of the last 72 hours
By In Graphically displayed hall or factory views on monitors show the current operating status of all machines. In addition, for production managers it is practical to be able to observe the operating states from the last 24, 48 or even 72 hours also on a timeline.The colour display of this monitoring uses the same symbolism as that of the factory overview, and, for each selected machine, it shows each individual status on a time axis in the selected period.
So that this visual display of the machine status is also suitable for shop floor visualisation, an automatic update takes place every 60 seconds. As a result, this view is the perfect supplement to the factory view, which visualizes the current operating state in real time.
The monitoring shows the machine states of a freely selectable hierarchy area of production. Furthermore, this definition of the equipment relevant for the visualisation can be further refined via process master data or organisation master data.
Those who find these setting options insufficient can freely select via so-called input places which equipment should be displayed together in one view and call up the monitoring on it.

The presented monitoring is calculated on the basis of collected raw data, so-called original values. After the collection, operating and machine data also undergo validation and compaction processes before they are archived in the system’s internal data warehouse. Cosmino DynaMon calculates the standard evaluation “Machine status history”, which is similar to the monitoring of the machine states. This report can be found under “Spontaneous reports”. It is based on valid data warehouse data and is therefore not as close to real time as the monitoring presented in the article.
For this reason, monitoring based on raw data is used for a representation of machine states which is close to real time. With this visualisation, production managers comprehend the entire shift progress and order runtimes, so that issues can be detected immediately, even when they occur across the whole system. The monitoring also supports shift discussions with the machine operators to analyse periods prone to failure.
However, downtimes are ideally generally found through the Cosmino downtime recording, to be able to remove the most frequent causes of failure in a targeted manner.