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Tracking the Machine Cycle Makes it Easier to Calculate the Machine Costs and to Plan Order Schedules

The cycle of a machine defines the duration of a process step. As a planning value for the costs and duration of a customer order, the machine cycle is an important parameter in the calculation. As a default value, it is also used to measure the degree to which targets are achieved, on the basis of the OEE indicator, for example. Only the complete logging and regular analysis of this machine cycle will ensure that the default times for a resource correspond to the reality. If this were not the case, it would be necessary for a corresponding customization of the specified planned cycle to take place, as in addition to the calculation of key figures, the calculation of the order is especially dependent on this parameter. Even minor discrepancies can lead to a different result, meaning that the predicted capacity utilization and delivery times – and the overall planning outcome – are wrong. Therefore, logging the operational data including the cycle is a key requirement for the software-supported production planning and scheduling of orders.

Illustration: Machine cycle

This is something that we have experienced in projects over the course of 30 years: The adjustment of the target time for the items to be manufactured is an initial finding which takes place after the start of the data acquisition by a Cosmino PDA, MDE or ME system. Regardless of the extent to which tracked cycles are to be analyzed, the new and specially-prepared cycle data track of the Cosmino software shows every actual cycle of a machine or a tool. The duration of a machine cycle is adopted as a process parameter by the respective machine and then visualized on the machine. Assessments can be used to analyze each machine-product-tool combination on how much the specifications deviate from the actual cycle time.

Illustration: Report of cycle data of machine groups
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